Login Facebook for React Native
2 min readAug 6, 2017
Some Apps need login using facebook, many plugin in react native but i not prefer because some plugin many problem when implement in react native.
I prefer using facebook sdk from facebook please dont use any plugin. You can found here . Follow the instruction.
Dont Forget To add this configuration, but skip step import sdk.
If you got error you can search in stack overflow
If you got error
% react-native link
rnpm-install info Android module react-native-maps is already linked
rnpm-install ERR! It seems something went wrong while linking. Error: Expected "/*", "//" or "{" but "<" found.
Please file an issue here: https://github.com/rnpm/rnpm/issuesExpected "/*", "//" or "{" but "<" found.
Fix like
react-native install react-native-fbsdk
npm install react-native-fbsdk@0.6.0 — save
react-native link react-native-fbsdk
I hope it’s helpful